Monday, June 27, 2005

What I'm up to these days.

For the next six weeks or so I'm going to be working with the Catholic Worker in Los Angeles. What's the Catholic Worker? I've been answering that question a lot these days. The Catholic Worker runs a soup kitchen in Los Angeles. The regular members live in a house in LA which they also use to give shelter to homeless people who need a place to stay or who need hospice care and can't afford it. They have an amazing Bible study as well. They spent three years on Luke and they use commentaries and look up words in the original Hebrew and Greek. They also participate in various forms of protest. So this summer I will be serving the city that I've been living near for a couple of years, and learning more about God, and exercising my democratic voice. Woohoo!

If you want to learn more, you can go to the website: If you're in the area, I'd love to see you some time. Give us a call and you can help out in the kitchen. I'm really excited about the summer. I think I'm going be able to help people in a very tangible way, and learn a lot, and meet a lot of interesting people. Stay tuned for upcoming stories. I will.

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